Hi, my beautiful souls

I’m Nicole and I’m a holistic healer, whose practice includes Meditation, Reiki, Emotional Healing, Breathwork and Nutrition.

From a young age, I've always known that my soul wasn't from this world - that it was sent here with a mission to accomplish after living many past lives. As a child, I had a tough time dealing with my emotions, communicating and connecting with others as it felt like my energy centers were blocked. When I turned 19, I started my journey to explore spirituality because I realized that the way we live isn't how it's supposed to be. Our world is based on a matrix foundation; the system relies on the low vibrational states of fear, survival and confusion, which blocks us from feeling love and peace at its fullest. I believe that when you raise your vibration of peace and love, you remove yourself as a pawn in the scheme and therefore you reclaim your power to create the life you want to live. After spending years healing and getting to understand myself better through shadow work, energy healing and intuition, I decided to put my abilities into action in 2020.

My journey is always guided by my spirit guides, divine source and ancient wisdom founded deep within. I believe we all are limitless and have the power to heal ourselves and the world. My mission is to help you uncover your abilities and power through forms of healing and tapping into the higher source and guide you to maximizing your potential and becoming the ultimate superhuman.